Mohseen Mukaddam

Dog dad, amateur powerlifter and loves kayaking on warm days in sunny Berkeley.

Elevating your Mastery: Redux in a Modern Context

A comprehensive guide to delve into the advanced aspects of Redux. Learn about the modern techniques that encapsulates a more efficient way of manipulating state in Redux, unravel various gotchas, and how to avoid common pitfalls.

Navigating the Minefield: Uncovering Missteps in TypeScript Development

Together, let's chart our course through the deceptively treacherous terrain of TypeScript pitfalls, misunderstandings, and anti-patterns. And in doing so, we might just traverse the distance from good to great TypeScript programming.

Supercharging Your Applications: A Guide to Optimized NodeJS

Unlock the secrets of NodeJS performance optimization in this thought-provoking tutorial. Cover the bases from basic NodeJS principles to advanced techniques for squeezing out every drop of performance from your applications.

Unlocking the Power of Pure Functions

Dive into the world of pure functions, a pillar of functional programming, and why they're essential for writing clean, maintainable code.

Automate Publishing Blogs with GPT-4

Reckless, yet intriguing use of GPT-4 to help write tech blogs.

Master the Code Beast: An Absolute Guide to Profiling in NodeJS

Fine-tuning your Node.js application's performance has never been easier. Dive deep into profiling your Node.js applications and reveal the secret behind peak performing servers.